A love letter for Valentine’s Day

Love LetterThere are few things more romantic and personal than a love letter.

A true expression of your deepest emotions and a glowing dedication to your loved one makes this an art that requires thoughtfulness and skill.

Of course you want to flatter and admire your loved and show your appreciation of their (hopefully) reciprocal love but getting this all down on a sheet of paper can be a challenge for the uninitiated.

Our guide to writing a perfect Valentine’s Day love letter will guide you through all the necessary steps to ensure you loved one will be very appreciative of the time and effort you have taken to express your deepest love.

Tips for Writing a Perfect Valentine’s Day Love Letter

  • Write the letter when you are relaxed and happy.
  • Clear your mind of any distractions and focus on your loved one.
  • On a rough sheet of paper write some notes about your loved one’s unique qualities.
  • Always hand write the letter to give it a more personal touch.
  • Use a good quality, romantic letter paper.
  • Write with a fountain pen instead of ball pen, as it appears more elegant.
  • Pay special attention to the opening and closing of the letter to leave a greater impact.
  • Write from your heart in simple expressive sentences.
  • Never make comparisons to a previous loved on or mention anyone else in the letter.
  • Do mention your loved one’s name often in the letter to remind them that you were thinking of them while writing it.
  • In the body of the love letter you may write the special qualities of your loved one.
  • In the following paragraphs you may share your hopes and dreams for the future along with your partner.
  • Be truthful and avoid making commitments that you may not be able to keep and cause a feeling of distrust.
  • One page is an ideal length for a love letter. You may write more if you are comfortable with your partner but don’t make it too long.
  • Always sign the love letter.
  • Spray a fragrant perfume on the back of the letter (not over the writing).

If you are finding this a little daunting or feel you need a little something extra to show how much you care…then why not take a look at our modern version of a love letter.

Simply select from our beautiful array of Valentine’s Day flowers from The Cracked Pot Flower Boutique.

A love letter for Valentine’s Day
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