Flower for March – Hellebore Plants

Spring Blooming Heavenly Hellebore!

Spring flowers helleboreThe arrival of the early spring bud and heavenly bloom of the Hellebore brings relief that winter is nearing the end and the beauty of Spring is right around the corner. Making the Hellebore an ideal plant for Mother’s Day!

In a typical year, hellebores will be the first ornamental perennial to bloom in Spring. Hellebores send up their blush pinks flower buds in March, before their leaves unfold.

The succulent shoots grow to reveal an array of gorgeous pendant blossoms with a shape that resembles a rose. Initially the hellebore flowers look a little bare because the plant’s leaves don’t appear until a few weeks later. However, when they do arrive they are exceptionally attractive with a smooth, glossy, palmate (arranged like fingers around the palm of a hand) and semi-evergreen.

Hellebore plant for Mother's DayThe species Hellebore x hybridus boasts a varied range of subtle flower colours mostly in creamy shades of white, tinged with apple green, pale pink and burgundy. Its flowers often have striking speckled markings and prominent yellow anthers. The colours also tend to change or deepen as they age.

Everything about hellebores is long lasting making it an ideal plant as a gift or for the home. The plants enjoy a cool setting but the blooms have a tremendous shelf life.


Flower for March – Hellebore Plants