Ealing Half Marathon 2013 – back on track!

Ealing Half Marathon 2013I was committed, focused and with the aid of a personal trainer, almost fit enough then something snapped! Unfortunately it was my achilles tendon which rendered me pretty much unable to run without searing pain and no other option but to withdraw a few weeks before the Ealing Half Marathon last year.

I think that injury gave me a grittier determination to see it through this year.  So when the decision to give it another shot loomed again several months ago, I signed up before giving myself time to think about it. Once committed I knew I had made the right decision.

Naturally, I waited a little longer before I actually began the serious business of turning my leisurely runs into a formal marathon training regime.  Oh yes, there is a very big difference between a 4 mile easy paced run with a few well timed walking breaks and a full on high impact race to the finish line!

Now with only a matter of a week or so to go, I’m gradually building up to the big event which takes place on Sunday 29th September 2013.  So far I have managed just over 12 miles (although at one point I did feel like my knee was about to give way but I dug deep and pushed through the pain) and it was such a relief and a big achievement for me.  I’m hoping that the adrenalin, the support of the crowd and the competitive (but friendly) atmosphere will see me through that final mile on the day!

The Ealing Half Marathon 2013 is a fun and worthy charity event over a 13.1 mile course and the headline charity this year is Epilepsy Action.  Please come down on the day and show your support and if you see me, I would very much welcome an encouraging cheer!!

Ealing Half Marathon 2013 – back on track!