10 Best Mother’s Day Qualities

I love finding quotes that are inspiring, thought provoking and funny and often find they really strike a chord with me. Mother’s Day quotes and other information…
Fresh flowers for all occasions exclusively designed for you by Louise Coultas-Pitman
I love finding quotes that are inspiring, thought provoking and funny and often find they really strike a chord with me. Mother’s Day quotes and other information…
Should you choose Purple Roses for Valentines Day? Confused about which roses to send for Valentines Day? Roses don’t have to be red! Thought to be almost mystical in nature, with symbolism tied to enchantment, desire and even proceeding cautiously,Read more
Should you choose Yellow Roses for Valentines Day? Confused about which roses to send for Valentines Day? Roses don’t have to be red! In Victorian times, the yellow rose was known to symbolised jealousy but in modern times, it representsRead more
Bride and Groom: Aly and Mark Venue: Syon House and Great Conservatory, Syon Park Date: 13 June 2015 Colours: Pale pastel colours, pinks, peaches, creams, Lime Greens. Flowers: Snowball Hydrangea, Juliette David Austen Roses, Amnesia Roses, Snowflake Spray Roses, WhiteRead more
Amaryllis are quite exotic in appearance which only adds to their popularity as a cut flower during the winter months. Stylish and elegant flowers with large, trumpet blooms grow from straight stems with a base of elongated strap-like leaves.Read more
The tradition of the Christmas Mistletoe dates back to ancient history and is practiced in many cultures. In ancient druid tradition, the mistletoe was seen as a sign of peace and goodwill warding off evil. Warring tribes chancing across itRead more
The Christmas Rose, also referred to as the Snow or Winter Rose is a winter blooming rose and is a European evergreen, more formally known as Hellebores Niger. It is traditionally held as the true Christmas flower due to itsRead more
Germans in the 7th Century first conceived the idea of a Christmas tree. But it wasn’t until Martin Luther, founder of the Lutheran Church, initiated the practice of placing lights on Christmas trees in the 16th century. In awe atRead more
These gorgeous shrub produces deep red, star shaped flowers once a year over the Christmas festival. The story associated with the flower tells of two poor, young siblings who wanted to bring a gift to the manger scene at theirRead more
The ancient Druids are the first society in known history to have worn sprigs of holly and mistletoe, believing that holly, with its glossy, shiny prickly leaves of green adorned with red berries, remained green all year due to theirRead more