Gift Card

Gift Card


Treat a friend or loved one to a fabulous Flowers by Louise Gift Card which they can use to book a workshop or order flowers of their choice.

Choose the image you would like on the gift card, the amount of the voucher and the date that you’d like the gift card sent and we will do the rest.

We will send the gift voucher on the date of your choice, it is then valid for 12 months. They can then simply redeem the gift voucher when ordering their flowers or workshop on the website.

If you would prefer to print the Voucher to add to a card, then send the voucher to your email address and you can print the voucher from from the email that will be sent to you.

This is an excellent gift idea if your friend or family member is going away for Christmas or for a special Birthday.

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£50, £75, £100, £125

Gift Card Image

Bouquet, Workshop, Flowers by Louise, Valentine, Mother's Day