Wedding Cheese Towers

Not a fan of cake or just prefer to be a bit different on your wedding day?

Cheese towerCheese towers are a popular alternative to a traditional tiered cake but can also serve as a great additional centrepiece or cheese course for either a sit down or buffet wedding meal.  With so many cheeses available it can be difficult to know what will work well and stay looking good over the course of the day.  Plus, buying several whole cheeses is not always feasible at most supermarkets.

Cheddar Deli in Northfields, Ealing have an extensive selection of mouth watering cheeses and offer appointments for tasting sessions to choose the cheese for your Wedding Cheese Tower, in relaxed surroundings.  They have a great deal of expertise and can offer you advice on selecting appropriate cheeses for your tower.

The Cracked Pot Flower Boutique is situated just a few doors away so will be on hand to provide those all important decorative finishing touches to the tower!


Wedding Cheese Towers
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