Noble Narcissus

Naughty NarcissusThe narcissus is one of our favourite Easter blooms due to its delicate creamy white flower.  The narcissus was the first flower associated with Easter in many parts of Europe and much like the daffodil it is symbolic of new life, hope and rebirth.

The type of narcissi that most people will recognise is the large headed bright yellow variety with large central trumpet shape which is more commonly known as the daffodil.  However, the narcissus can be pure white, off white, pale lemon or even bordering on orange.

The colour of the central trumpet varies and the shape of the outer petals also varies greatly among different varieties. The smaller varieties of white paper narcissi are multi headed on single stems and highly perfumed with a distinctive fragrance similar to jasmine.

Aside from its association with Easter, the narcissus is also a widely used symbol in many other countries and cultures to be representative of fertility in ancient Judaism through to good fortune and wealth in Chinese culture.

Want to know more?

Come back soon for more details about our Favourite Easter Flowers….or in the meantime visit the online shop for a stunning selection of fresh flowers.

Noble Narcissus
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